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A Sensory Control System for Adjusting Group Emotion Using Bayesian Networks and Reinforcement Learning

The relationship between sensory stimuli and emotion has been actively investigated, but it is relatively undisclosed to determine appropriate stimuli for inducing the target emotion for a group of people in the same space like school, hospital, store, etc. In this paper, we propose a stimuli control system to adjust group emotion in a closed space, especially kindergarten. The proposed system predicts the next emotion of a group of people using modular tree-struc‐ tured Bayesian networks, and controls the stimuli appropriate to the target emotion using utility table initialized by domain knowledge and adapted by rein‐ forcement learning as the cases of stimuli and emotions are cumulated. To eval‐ uate the proposed system, the real data were collected for five days from a kinder‐ garten where the sensor and stimulus devices were installed. We obtained 84 % of prediction accuracy, and 56.2 % of stimuli control accuracy. Moreover, in the scenario tests on math and music classes, we could control the stimuli to fit the target emotion with 63.2 % and 76.3 % accuracies, respectively.

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A Sensory Control System for Adjusting Group Emotion Using Bayesian Networks and Reinforcement Learning
© ELSYS Corp. 2009-2023.